New Mobile Electronic Device Law in Oregon

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New Mobile Electronic Device Law in Oregon

A couple of months ago, we notified you of Washington’s new Driving Under the Influence of Electronics (DUIE) Act, which took effect on July 23rd.

Oregon has now enacted a similar law, which will become effective October 1. Texting and holding your cell phone to your ear are already illegal, but the new law specifically forbids all handheld uses of mobile electronic devices while driving.

The bill defines a “mobile electronic device” as an electronic device that is not permanently installed in a car. Mobile electronic devices include, but are not limited to, devices capable of text messaging, voice communication, entertainment, navigation, accessing the Internet or producing electronic mail.

There are a number of exceptions to the law, including exceptions for drivers contacting emergency services and some types of employees operating within the scope of their employment.

Mobile electronic devices can be used by way of a hands-free accessory. Touching the device is allowed to activate or deactivate a device or a function of the device.

Handheld devices can also be legally used by a driver who is in a designated parking spot or has pulled off the roadway to a spot where the vehicle can safely remain stationary. They cannot be used when the driver is stopped at a red light or stuck in traffic.

Your first offense under this law can be expunged by taking a distracted driving avoidance course, but if you are ticketed twice within the span of ten years, you’ll be subject to a fine of up $2,000.

The consequences of a third offense within a ten-year period are a fine of no less than $2,000 and possible jail time.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this new law in Oregon or about the laws relating to use of handheld devices in your state.

By | 2017-12-04T04:17:33+00:00 September 23rd, 2017|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on New Mobile Electronic Device Law in Oregon