Christy King

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So far Christy King has created 254 blog entries.

Photographs, Copyright, and the Internet

Many copyright-infringement claims arise from the use of photographs on the internet. Some people think it’s legal to simply copy photos found online and use them on their own websites, social media posts, and the like. Others know they can’t legally do that and license photos through stock-photo companies and Creative Commons. Relying on a license can be dangerous, though, [...]

By | 2024-05-21T04:53:57+00:00 May 10th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Photographs, Copyright, and the Internet

Living Trusts and How They Work

When putting together an estate plan, trusts are commonly brought up as an alternative or complement to wills. One of the greatest benefits of trusts is avoiding probate, the court process of administering a deceased person’s estate, which can be long and costly depending on the make-up of the estate and the location where the deceased person resided. Other benefits [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:17:29+00:00 April 26th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Living Trusts and How They Work

Probable Fee Increases for Trademarks Next Year

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has published a proposed rule to raise existing trademark fees, as well as to implement a number of new fees. Given the proposed new fees and fee increases, it’s a good idea to file trademark registration applications this year, as well as to pay maintenance fees if you’re eligible to do so. [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:19:51+00:00 April 19th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Probable Fee Increases for Trademarks Next Year

Contract Terminology

When negotiating or reviewing a contract, you might come across some terminology you don't recognize. Some of the legal terms you're likely to encounter in connection with contracts are: Breach of Contract A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to comply with the terms or conditions of an agreement. Depending on the type and significance of the breach [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:21:45+00:00 April 12th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Contract Terminology

Why You Should Register Your Copyrights Now

You may have heard there’s no need to register your copyright, because it’s automatically protected. But this is only half the story—you can’t enforce your copyright without either a certificate of registration or a denial of registration from the Copyright Office. Plus, there are a lot of reasons to register all of your copyrights promptly. 1. If you register a [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:24:18+00:00 April 5th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Why You Should Register Your Copyrights Now

Conducting Workplace Investigations

There are a number of reasons an employer might need to conduct a workplace investigation. For example, an employee may complain about workplace discrimination, harassment, violence, or bullying, or an employee may be suspected of wrongdoing, such as theft, drinking on the job, or misappropriation of confidential information. Confidentiality While an employer can (and should) keep investigation-related information confidential as [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:26:12+00:00 March 29th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Conducting Workplace Investigations

Protecting Your Business’s Trade Secrets

One of the most valuable assets a business has may be its trade secrets. A trade secret is anything that (i) gives a business a competitive advantage, (ii) has been and continues to be treated as a secret by that business, and (iii) is not generally known in the trade or readily discoverable through public sources. Virtually every business has [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:27:55+00:00 March 22nd, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Protecting Your Business’s Trade Secrets

Work Email Accounts and the Attorney-Client Privilege

The attorney-client privilege is a rule of evidence that protects confidential communications between lawyers and their clients when those communications relate to the clients’ seeking of legal assistance. To qualify for protection, a communication must be confidential. Most employers have policies stating that employee use of computers may be monitored, meaning that use is not confidential. This is why we [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:29:40+00:00 March 15th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Work Email Accounts and the Attorney-Client Privilege

Is Your Trademark Really a Trademark?

OpenAI OpCo, LLC filed an application to register the mark GPT for use in connection with its AI products. Last month, the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) refused registration of the mark on the grounds that “GPT” is both “merely descriptive” and “generic.” To be protectable, a trademark must be “distinctive.” This means it must be used to identify [...]

By | 2024-04-30T18:31:41+00:00 March 8th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Is Your Trademark Really a Trademark?

Litigation Holds and Preserving Evidence

Did you know that your failure to retain all relevant materials after litigation is “reasonably anticipated” could result in you being fined or sanctioned by the court? You could even lose the case as a result of your failure to preserve evidence. How do you know when “litigation is reasonably anticipated?” While there are some grey areas, the filing of [...]

By | 2024-01-27T04:16:21+00:00 January 26th, 2024|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Litigation Holds and Preserving Evidence