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Why You Should Register Your Copyrights Now

You may have heard there’s no need to register your copyright, because it’s automatically protected. But this is only half the story—you can’t enforce your copyright without either a certificate of registration or a denial of registration from the Copyright Office. Plus, there are a lot of reasons to register all of your copyrights promptly. 1. If you register a [...]

By | 2022-07-23T01:35:49+00:00 July 23rd, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Why You Should Register Your Copyrights Now

Do You Know What These Legal Terms Mean?

When reading documents from your lawyer, you may find a number of legal terms that you don't recognize. Some of the legal terms you're most likely to encounter when involved in a legal dispute are: Mediation, Arbitration, and Trial Mediation is an attempt to settle a legal dispute with the help of an impartial mediator (or referee), who tries to [...]

By | 2022-07-16T05:15:32+00:00 July 15th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Do You Know What These Legal Terms Mean?

Trademark Law Update – Electronic Trademark Registration Certificates

The US Patent and Trademark Office is no longer automatically providing registrants with paper registration certificates. It now provides only electronic registration certificates, though complimentary paper certificates will be provided on request for registrations when the initial applications were submitted before May 24, 2022. For applications after that date, you can still order a paper certificate for an additional fee. [...]

By | 2022-07-09T01:33:05+00:00 July 9th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Trademark Law Update – Electronic Trademark Registration Certificates

Employment Law Update: Artificial Intelligence Software, Mental Health Leave, I-9 Forms, and OSHA Enforcement

EEOC Guidance on Employers’ Use of Artificial Intelligence Software In May, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued Technical Assistance and Tips for Workers addressing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) software in connection with employment. A variety of computer tools are available to assist employers in hiring, monitoring, and evaluating workers. While these tools are beneficial in many [...]

By | 2022-07-01T23:21:02+00:00 July 1st, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Employment Law Update: Artificial Intelligence Software, Mental Health Leave, I-9 Forms, and OSHA Enforcement

A Brief Explanation of Intellectual Property

Nearly every business has some form of intellectual property (IP). While it is an intangible asset, in many cases intellectual property is more valuable than tangible assets such as equipment and inventory. Copyrights Copyright protects original creative works, such as artwork, literary works, musical and dramatic works, software, sound recordings and motion pictures. Although a protectible work is automatically copyrighted [...]

By | 2022-06-24T23:58:36+00:00 June 24th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on A Brief Explanation of Intellectual Property

Portable Cooling Devices: A New Oregon Law for Landlords, HOAs, Condominium Associations, and Local Governments

So far, we have experienced lower than average temperatures, but this may change later this summer. Earlier this year, in response to last year’s “heat dome” in the Pacific Northwest, the Oregon legislature passed a bipartisan bill dealing with air conditioning and other cooling devices. Previously, Oregon landlords were under no legal obligation to provide cooling devices, but, pursuant to [...]

By | 2022-06-17T17:15:22+00:00 June 17th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Portable Cooling Devices: A New Oregon Law for Landlords, HOAs, Condominium Associations, and Local Governments

Choosing a Trademark

Last December, tax preparation company H&R Block sued the financial technology company that had been known as Square, Inc. after it announced that it was changing its name to Block, Inc. Square has operated the “Cash App” since 2013, though it was originally called “Square Cash.” Over time, the app has gone from being only a peer-to-peer payment system to [...]

By | 2022-06-10T17:10:40+00:00 June 10th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Choosing a Trademark

Are Website Terms of Use Binding?

On April Fool’s Day many years ago, an online gaming store modified its Terms of Use, adding the following clause: By placing an order via this Web site…, you agree to grant Us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul. Should We wish to exercise this option, you agree to surrender your [...]

By | 2022-06-03T18:24:22+00:00 June 3rd, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Are Website Terms of Use Binding?

Scam Alert

Our office often receives scam trademark and corporate notices through the US Postal Service and email. Because of the prevalence of such scams, you should always read what appear to be official notices extremely carefully. Scam requests typically look like invoices or letters, often containing false due dates or threats about loss of rights if you do not send payment [...]

By | 2022-05-27T17:14:02+00:00 May 27th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Scam Alert

Employment Law Roundup Part 2 (State Law)

Oregon State Law Update Paid Leave Insurance Oregon’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance program allows workers in Oregon to take paid time off for family, medical, and “safe” leave. Safe leave is leave related to domestic violence, harassment, stalking, or sexual assault. Payroll contributions begin in January 2023, and workers will be able to apply for benefits in [...]

By | 2022-05-20T16:58:11+00:00 May 20th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Employment Law Roundup Part 2 (State Law)